Step 1: Prepare Email Content
1. Compose the email content that you want to send to your event participants. Include all the necessary information in the email body.
Step 2: Send an Email to Organizer Agent
1. Send an email containing the prepared email content to
2. Make sure to include the following details in your email:
- The complete body of the email in the format you want it to be sent.
- The name of the event for which you want the email to be sent.
Step 3: Organizer Agent Assistance
1. An organizer agent will receive your email and review the content you've provided.
2. The agent will assist in sending out the email to the intended recipients of the specified event.
Step 4: Email Sent
1. Once the agent processes the request, the email will be sent to the event entrants as specified in the email content.
2. Participants will receive the email containing the information they wanted to convey.